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September 21, 2024 kits

The ampoules are now sold in Kits announces that ampoules are now sold in kits. This change is due to the current market situation and demand for this type of product. Recently, demand for ampoule-based products has significantly declined, and as a result, we have decided to shift to selling them in kits, providing a more convenient and cost-effective purchasing option.

Ampoules will now typically be offered in packs of 10. This format not only improves the availability of the product but also optimizes production and logistics processes, which will positively impact the final price for our customers.

We understand that this change may be inconvenient for some of our customers who are accustomed to purchasing ampoules individually. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding. We always strive to consider our customers’ needs, and we hope that the majority of you will find the new format to be a positive adjustment.

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