Salutare tuturor! Sunt Anda Costachescu, o editoră și verificatoare de fapte cu experiență în domeniul cercetării clinice și translaționale. Aș dori să împărtășesc cu voi experiența mea de lucru remarcabilă pe website-ul, unde am avut oportunitatea de a colabora timp de 2 ani. Ca editor și verificator de fapte, am avut privilegiul de a […]
Author: Anda Costachescu
Anda Costachescu is a seasoned clinical and translational research editor and fact-checker with years of experience in the field. She is a trained medical editor who specializes in the preparation and editing of scientific manuscripts, grant proposals, and clinical trial reports. Anda's expertise in clinical and translational research makes her a valuable asset to any research team. She has worked with researchers and scientists from various backgrounds and disciplines, providing expert editorial and fact-checking services that have helped them to achieve their research goals.