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SP Trenbolone 75 10ml vial


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Contains active ingredient trenolona acetate, which is androgenic and gives the best results in the field of bodybuilding. 1 vial (75mg/ml 10 ml)

With no estrogenic effects, SP Trenbolone 75, ) is a controversial drug among bodybuilders. This steroid is frequently used as a support steroid for other steroids. It promotes healthy fluids storage in the body and builds a powerful and strong muscle. When combined with other suitable medicines, it has no estrogenic effects and has the best androgenic effects. Trenbolone has many similarities with Nandrolone Decanoate, however it is able to create the ideal lean muscle.

It also helps to build excellent musculature while keeping the body’s fluids levels in check. Androgenic receptors in the body absorb Trenbolone favorably, therefore its compounding components perform well on muscle growth! Even testosterone doesn’t work as quickly, particularly when it comes to fat loss. Taking SP Trenbolone 75 may reduce testosterone levels. This implies that taking Tamoxifen or Clomed with Trenbolone helps to increase testosterone levels in the blood.

The daily dosage of SP Trenbolone 75 10 ml vial is 50-100mg. The substance is detained for five months. The steroid is active in the body for 2-3 days. This powerful steroid has five times the androgenic and anabolic properties of testosterone. Trenbolone is often used in cutting cycles, since aromatization and muscle growth are undesirable Trenbolone effects. This medication effectively increases weight and muscle mass while reducing hydrops.

Growing SP Trenbolone 75 should be used with one of Testosterone’s esters. The fact that it may need more injections is easily solved- choose testosterone with a longer impact (Cypionate or something else). You may also take Methandienone or Oxymetholone pills. For cutting training cycles, Stanozolol, Boldenone, Primobolan, Testosterone Propionate, or Masteron will work well with Trenbolone.

Trenbolone acetate is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) used in veterinary medicine to improve livestock profitability by increasing muscle development in cattle. It is injected into muscle.

Trenbolone acetate side effects include acne, increased body hair growth, hair loss, voice changes, and increased sexual drive. Androgen receptor (AR) agonists like testosterone and dihydrotestosterone are biological targets of the medication (DHT). It has significant anabolic, androgenic, progestogenic, and glucocorticoid actions. Trenbolone acetate is a long-lasting prodrug of trenbolone.

In the early 1970s, veterinary usage of trenbolone acetate was approved. Trenbolone acetate is sold on the black market to enhance body and performance. [5] Non-veterinary usage is illegal in many countries since the drug is regulated.


Trenbolone acetate was never authorized for human usage, therefore no recommendations exist. Trenbolone acetate has been used by sportsmen and bodybuilders for decades to enhance physique and performance. Using trenbolone acetate as an AAS has several advantages for bodybuilders. It does not promote fluid retention as testosterone does while developing muscle mass. It makes bodybuilders look slimmer, which is why it is more frequently taken during competition prep. Trenbolone acetate has no estrogenic adverse effects since it does not convert to an estrogenic metabolite. Trenbolone enanthate is a popular AAS that lasts considerably longer than trenbolone acetate.

Side effects

The AAS trenbolone acetate has numerous adverse effects. As a result of trenbolone acetate’s high androgenic properties, it is not advised for use by female athletes or bodybuilders. Trenbolone acetate has comparable side effects to other AAS, however the following negative effects are enhanced by trenbolone acetate.


Trenbolone acetate is an androgenic. Due to trenbolone’s androgenic characteristics, typical AAS adverse effects include oily skin, acne, seborrhea, increased facial/body hair growth, and scalp hair loss. These adverse effects are highly hereditary and may not occur in every person. Trenbolone acetate increases the risk of permanent baldness in men prone to hair loss diseases like baldness. A deeper voice, hirsutism, clitoral expansion, and virilization may occur in women.


Trenbolone acetate increases muscle growth and feed efficiency, but it also inhibits natural testosterone production, causing hypogonadism. All AAS have this effect; the only difference is how much they inhibit compared to others.


Any AAS may cause cardiovascular problems. Trenbolone acetate may have a detrimental effect on cholesterol by decreasing HDL cholesterol (“good” cholesterol) and raising LDL cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol) (“bad” cholesterol). Trenbolone acetate lowers cholesterol levels more than oral AAS. This side effect is magnified while using injectable AAS, especially trenbolone acetate.

“Tren cough”

The reason of tren cough is unknown. The androgenic action of trenbolone acetate stimulates a group of lipid-like active molecules termed prostaglandins. Several of them are inflammatory and vasoconstrictive. Prostaglandins are signaled by cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipoxygenases (LOX) (also known as: EC, EC, etc.). Coughing is caused by vasoconstriction of the bronchus muscle wall. Trenbolone raises bradykinin, an inflammatory mediator peptide that promotes blood vessel dilatation. The bradykinin peptide is known to cause coughing when used with ACE inhibitors for hypertension.

Progesterone estrogenic

Trenbolone in any form is not estrogenic. Unlike testosterone, this AAS is not estrogenic, thus it cannot cause excessive fluid retention. However, owing to trenbolone’s strong progesterogenic action, gynecomastia (breast tissue growth and swelling) is still possible. Progestogenic action reinforces estrogenic stimulation since trenbolone acetate and related derivatives bind highly to the progesterone receptor. Several research indicate that trenbolone’s progestogenic action promotes gynecomastia, not prolactin’s accumulation.  Trenbolone also lowers blood pressure, although it does not seem to do so in most healthy adult males.

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SP Trenbolone 75 10ml vial
SP Trenbolone 75 10ml vial
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