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Spectrum Nandro Ph 100mg 10ml vial


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Nandrolone phenylpropionate (NPP), also known as Durabolin, is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) used to treat breast cancer and osteoporosis in women. It is injected into muscle once a week. Despite its widespread usage in the past, the medication is now largely unavailable.

NPP causes masculinization signs including acne, hair growth, vocal changes, and increased sexual drive. Androgen receptor (AR) agonists like testosterone and dihydrotestosterone are biological targets of the medication (DHT). It has high anabolic and weak androgenic effects, making it acceptable for usage by women and children. NPP is a long-lasting nandrolone ester in the body.

NPP was discovered in 1957 and approved for usage in 1959. It was the first nandrolone ester, followed in 1962 by nandrolone decanoate, and is one of the most frequently used. However, nandrolone decanoate, a longer-acting and more handy medication, has essentially replaced it. NPP is also utilized to enhance physique and performance. In many countries, the drug is a prohibited substance, thus non-medical usage is illegal.

Non-medical applications

Athletes, bodybuilders, and powerlifters utilize NPP to improve their physique and performance. Nandrolone esters are the most often utilized AAS among bodybuilders and athletes. This is owing to nandrolone’s strong anabolic to androgenic ratio and low androgenic and estrogenic adverse effect potential.

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Use

This anabolic steroid has many performance and therapeutic advantages. Aside from testosterone, Nandrolone is the most often given anabolic steroid by physicians. However, Nandrolone Decanoate is the most frequently given type (rather than Nandrolone Phenylproprionate).

Nandrolone users generally tolerate it well. That doesn’t mean there aren’t risks. It’s an anabolic steroid, which means it has negative effects.

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Features (NPP)

Now let’s examine this anabolic steroid’s characteristics. It is an anabolic androgenic steroid of the 19-nortestosterone class. The 19-nor categorization indicates a structural alteration in the testosterone hormone in the nineteenth position. The carbon atom at position 19 of the hormone has been removed.

This alteration in testosterone produces Nandrolone. Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is made by adding a short ester named Phenylpropionate to the altered formula (Nandrolone).

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate works just like Nandrolone Decanoate. They’re both produced of the same hormone. However, NPP (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate) has a shorter half-life and a larger post-injection Nandrolone burst.

Basically, to maintain your blood levels constant, you need to inject NPP more than Nandrolone Decanoate.

NPP is somewhat more anabolic than testosterone, but not by much. To put it in context, testosterone is rated 125, while estrogen is rated 100. It is 37 times less androgenic than testosterone. TESTOSTERONE 100 Nandrolone decreases to DHN instead of DHT, decreasing its androgenic characteristics. Unlike testosterone, NPP is simpler for men to handle in large dosages. DHT stands for dihydrotestosterone.

NPP is also less androgenic and estogenic. NPP aromatizes testosterone 8% less.

Also, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate has a progestin nature, which influences its adverse effects.

NPP shares several anabolic characteristics. But it outperforms other steroids in terms of what it can accomplish for the body. To clarify, we’d like to discuss NPP’s finest qualities.

Positive Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) Features

NPP will increase IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) synthesis. IGF-1 is an anabolic hormone that helps the body recuperate after exercise. This essential hormone affects many cells.

NPP also inhibits glucocorticoids. Glucocorticoids are cortisol stress hormones that affect our mood and health. Too much glucocorticoid may cause fat growth and muscle loss. Stress hormones are more likely to be elevated when we exercise a much. Nandrolone may reduce stress hormone production.

NPP also improves nitrogen retention. Muscle tissue has 16% Nitrogen. When retention drops, we enter a catabolic condition. Our bodies become anabolic as we retain more.

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate also increases protein synthesis. Protein synthesis is how quickly cells create proteins. Proteins form muscular tissue.

Nandrolone also increases our red blood cell levels. These cells transport oxygen. Increased red blood cell production improves muscle endurance and recovery.

NPP also increases collagen production and bone mineral content. This anabolic steroid may be useful if you desire stronger cartilage and bones, as well as the ability to heal damaged cartilage and bones. NPP’s increased collagen and bone mineral synthesis will help maintain excellent joint health.

NPP is also used to treat a variety of medical issues. Patients with HIV, cancer, tiredness, and muscle wasting diseases may benefit from injecting it. Anemics may also benefit. Aside from cancer, Nandrolone Phenylpropioniate may treat anemia, pituitary dwarfism, severe burns, ulcers, mental development issues (in children), and osteoporosis.

While it may help a wide range of patients, in America it is usually given for anemia, AIDS, or HIV. It improves patient outcomes very well. It is used to treat a variety of diseases in other areas of the globe than those listed above. It has been used to slow down the aging process in certain cases.

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP)

We’ve already reviewed some of its major features. We know its essential features. Now we’d like to talk about how NPP assists athletes. Most NPP enthusiasts fall under this group!

To bulk during the off-season, a performance athlete uses NPP. It’s meant to bulk up. This is a popular bulk builder among bodybuilders. While it acts quickly, development is slow. But growth will be constant.

Remember that you need to eat enough calories to develop properly. Eating more than you burn. Proper nutrition maximizes NPP advantages. This hormone may also help athletes lose weight by speeding up their metabolisms. Assisting your body in recovering from exercise and injuries will be simpler with Nandrolone Phenylpropionate.

In addition, it’s a favorite for cutting cycles. But it’s a bulking steroid, not a cutting one! When used for cutting, it prevents loss of lean muscle mass. Sadly, when we start slimming down during cutting periods, we risk losing valuable muscle tissue as well as fat. This steroid will help bodybuilders maintain their muscular tissue.

NPP may be perfect for you if you desire great joint relief and healing. Many bodybuilders utilize lower dosages to get this effect. It doesn’t conceal symptoms. Instead, it relieves. This steroid may also increase strength. It isn’t typically selected for this.

Now for the bad news. Consequences of steroid use include unclear As previously said, most individuals tolerate this steroid well. But you must recognize the dangers…

NPP Side Effects

Users of this steroid report negative effects. But it’s not one of those steroids with terrible negative effects. To prevent or control NPP side effects, you must first understand how the steroid works. Above is comprehensive information. In most men, this anabolic steroid’s adverse effects may be avoided. The following are the most frequent NPP side effects:

In women, this steroid may cause male breast tissue growth, bloating and high blood pressure.

Men may take aromatase inhibitors to prevent these adverse effects.

Androgenicity: The risk of androgenicity is minimal, but not zero. Acne and hair loss are examples of androgenic consequences (male pattern baldness). Female virilization is possible. Women who experience virilization should cease taking NPP immediately. A woman’s clitoris may become bigger, her voice may deepen, etc. If these issues arise, cease injecting this steroid immediately.

Female Side Effects: Women who quit taking NPP immediately have a good chance of reversing the virilization symptoms. If she uses the steroid despite indications of virilization, the symptoms may not go away.

This steroid may lower healthy cholesterol levels.

This hormone inhibits the synthesis of natural testosterone. Men should take the steroid with exogenous testosterone.

NPP Dosage

For optimum results and minimal side effects, use 50-100mg NPP each day. A daily or three-times-weekly injectable steroid Advanced bodybuilders may take 400-800mg each week. A type of injectable testosterone is proposed since ‘deca dick’ may appear when testosterone is completely suppressed to hypogonad levels.

Women should take 50-100mg each week to avoid unwanted side effects.

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Spectrum Nandro Ph 100mg 10ml vial
Spectrum Nandro Ph 100mg 10ml vial
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