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Spectrum Testo Base O 10ml vial



Male sex hormone and anabolic steroid testosterone In males, testosterone promotes secondary sexual traits such as increased muscle and bone mass, and body hair growth. Also, testosterone is implicated in health and osteoporosis prevention. Insufficient testosterone in males may cause bone loss and weakness.

Testosterone is an androstane steroid with three keto and seventeen hydroxyl groups. It is made from cholesterol and converted to inactive metabolites in the liver. It works by attaching to and activating the androgen receptor. Male testicles and, to a lesser degree, female ovaries produce testosterone in humans and most other animals. Males have 7–8 times the amount of testosterone as females. Males produce about 20 times more testosterone than females due to their higher metabolism. Females are also more sensitive.

The natural hormone testosterone is also used as a medicine, for example, to treat low testosterone in males, transgender hormone therapy in men, and breast cancer in women. Because testosterone levels decline with age, older men may take testosterone to make up for the loss. Illicitly, it is used to improve physique and performance, as in sportsmen.

Use for health

Males with little or no natural testosterone production, some types of breast cancer, and gender dysphoria in transgender men are treated with testosterone. A hormone replacement treatment (HRT) or testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) maintains normal blood testosterone levels. The decline in testosterone production with aging has sparked interest in ART. Testosterone replacement therapy for elderly men is controversial.

A list of essential drugs, which are the most vital pharmaceuticals required in a basic health system, includes testosterone. It is a generic drug. The cost varies on the testosterone kind. It may be applied to the skin as a cream or transdermal patch, injected into a muscle, or swallowed as a tablet.

Male testosterone side effects include acne, edema, and breast growth. Chronic liver damage, heart disease and behavioral problems are serious adverse effects. Women and toddlers exposed may become virilized. Prostate cancer patients should not use the drug. It may damage a pregnant or nursing woman.

How Is Testosterone Made?

Testosterone is a steroid. It’s a male androgenic sex hormone. Testosterone is a restricted drug in the USA, UK, Canada, and Australia. If you reside or visit in Mexico or Thailand, you may get it without a prescription.

Men and women both generate testosterone, but men create 5-10 milligrams per day while women make at least ten times less. The testes generate nearly 95% of testosterone, while the ovaries produce up to 50% of testosterone in women. The adrenal glands, which sit above the kidneys, are a small source of testosterone in males but a major one in women.

Other bodily processes generate testosterone. The hormone is made from dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in tissues, although only a small amount of testosterone produced locally influences circulation levels.

The substance from which all sex hormones are produced is the nemesis of every nutritionist: cholesterol.

Testosterone in its purest form. Gain in strength. Quick detection.

Testosterone Base is a 100% pure testosterone solution, not a testosterone suspension. This is because the Testosterone crystals are in an oil and solvent solution rather than water. Nobody wants to inject crystals. So when you inject Test Base, your blood Testosterone levels rise quickly and decrease quicker than aqueous Testosterone suspension. Test Base is probably the quickest Testosterone product available today. Test Base may also be injected using extremely fine needles. Because Test Base has no crystals, it may be administered with an insulin syringe. Test Base is excellent for pre-workouts, powerlifting, and strength I suggest two hours of Test Base pre-training to improve aggressiveness and power.
Testosterone Base is a testosterone injectable steroid with no ester attached. It is pure testosterone with no ester attached, therefore no ester weight is computed. Instead of 100 mg minus the weight of the ester, Testosterone Base contains 100 mg of the steroid. Very strong and potent. Despite its simplicity, this chemical is very powerful. Testosterone Base is the most prevalent and fundamental anabolic hormone. Because of this, many bodybuilders use it as a foundation steroid. Testosterone Base is anabolic androgenic. This steroid enhances libido and sex desire, as well as muscular growth and strength.

Estrogen accumulation and adverse effects may be a concern for individuals sensitive to these issues or using large doses of this chemical. The use of anti-estrogens such Anastrozole, Proviron, and Tamoxifen with Testosterone Base can reduce the risk of estrogen associated adverse effects. Stronger anti-estrogens like Letrozole or Exemestane may be better for sensitive users or those taking large dosages (800-1200mgs). Testosterone Base may cause androgenic side effects including greasy skin.

To bulk up, bodybuilders frequently stack Testosterone Base with Deca 250 and/or Boldenone 200.

The male bodybuilder’s dose of this steroid is usually 400-1200mg per week, with cycles lasting 8-20 weeks depending on the athlete’s objectives. Women benefit from weekly dosages of 50-100mg.

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Spectrum Testo Base O 10ml vial
Spectrum Testo Base O 10ml vial
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