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Zhengzhou Fluoxymesterone 10mg 50 tabs



Fluoxymesterone is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) used to treat low testosterone levels in men, delayed puberty in boys, breast cancer in women, and anemia. It is ingested.

Fluoxymesterone causes masculinization signs including acne, hair growth, voice changes, and increased sexual drive. It may also cause liver damage and cardiovascular issues including hypertension. Androgen receptor (AR) agonists like testosterone and dihydrotestosterone are biological targets of the medication (DHT). It has significant androgenic and anabolic properties, making it helpful for masculinization.

Fluoxymesterone was discovered in 1956 and first used medically in 1957. Fluoxymesterone is also utilized to enhance physique and performance. In many countries, the drug is a prohibited substance, thus non-medical usage is illegal.

Uses for medicine

Fluoxymesterone is or has been used to treat hypogonadism, delayed puberty, anemia, and breast cancer in both men and women. It is authorized in certain countries for the treatment of hypogonadism, delayed puberty, and breast cancer. The current US prescription guidelines only mention androgen insufficiency in men and breast cancer in women as indications.

Fluoxymesterone is less efficient than testosterone in initiating masculinization but is helpful in maintaining it in adults.

Fluoxymesterone, like testosterone and DHT, is an AAS that binds to the androgen receptor (AR). It is converted to 5-dihydrofluoxymesterone by 5-reductase, much like testosterone. Like testosterone and methyltestosterone, fluoxymesterone has a low anabolic/androgenic ratio. It is less androgenic and more anabolic than methyltestosterone and testosterone.

Fluoxymesterone is non-aromatizable owing to steric restriction by its C11 hydroxyl group, and therefore does not produce estrogenic effects like gynecomastia or fluid retention. A instance of severe fluoxymesterone-induced gynecomastia has been described, and other publications have documented gynecomastia linked with fluoxymesterone, but this may not be due to estrogenic action. Fluoxymesterone is believed to be non-progesterogenic.

Fluoxymesterone is orally active and hepatotoxic due to its 17-methyl group.

11-HSD blockade.

Fluoxymesterone is a strong inhibitor of 11-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (IC50 = 60–630 nM), similar to glycyrrhetinic acid. Unique among AAS, this effect of fluoxymesterone is linked to its 11-hydroxyl group. 11-HSD2 inhibits the glucocorticoids cortisol and corticosterone (into cortisone and 11-dehydrocorticosterone, respectively). Fluoxymesterone inhibition of 11-HSD2 may result in mineralocorticoid receptor overactivation and related side effects such as hypertension and fluid retention.


However, its C9 fluoro and C11 hydroxyl groups are shared with corticosteroids, unlike other AAS. A modest (micromolar) yet clinically relevant affinity for the glucocorticoid receptor.


Unlike testosterone, the C17 methyl group of fluoxymesterone inhibits first-pass metabolism. It has a modest affinity for SHBG, less than 5% that of testosterone and less than 1% that of DHT. Liver metabolism includes 6-hydroxylation, 5-reduction, 3-keto-oxidation, and 11-hydroxy-oxidation. Its active metabolites include 5DHF and 11OHF. Fluoxymesterone has a longer elimination half-life than testosterone, 9.2 hours. It is excreted in urine, with less than 5% unaltered.

The Upjohn Company developed Halotestin in 1957. Because of alterations in the chemical structure, fluoxymesterone is a precursor of methyl-testosterone. More androgenic than testosterone. Only a weak anabolic component remains. Due of its properties, sportsmen utilize it to develop strength rather than muscle.

Powerlifters and weightlifters who must remain within a weight class often take Halo because they want to develop strength without gaining weight. Anabolic steroids are virtually exclusively used by competitors. Because it is very androgenic. It also does not aromatise properly. Halotestin raises androgen levels while lowering estrogen levels. Halotestin offers the bodybuilder a unique muscular firmness and sharpness. Although the muscle diameter does not grow, the muscle density increases.

Water loss

Even better, a daily dosage of up to 20 mg causes no water or salt retention. For many users, Halotestin increases aggression when on a diet. Athletes, especially boxers, love it for this reason. The usual dosage is 20-40 mg/day.

Bodybuilders usually need 20-30 mg/day. Powerlifters typically take 40 mg or more daily. They divided the daily dosage into two equal halves and drank lots of water. The 17-alkylated pills are safe to consume with meals.

Those sick of using Dianabol pills may find Halotestin appealing. Several bodybuilders have used Halotestin with injectable steroid preparations like Anavar, Deca100, Primobolan Depot, or Equipoise. Taking the aforementioned steroids typically converts Halotestin’s rapid strength development into solid, high-quality muscular tissue. This is good news for athletes who easily retain water and battle enlarged breast glands. Many may be surprised by the results of a modest four-week regimen of 30 mg Halotestin and 100 mg Equipoise every two days.


“So far, so good,” you may think, but Halotestin is a very dangerous steroid. It has the greatest negative effects compared to Anadrol 50 and Methyl-testosterone. Those who want to try Halotestin should do so for 4-6 weeks and not exceed 20-30 mg daily. Fluoxymesterone puts a lot of strain on the liver and may cause damage. Other common adverse effects include increased sebaceous gland production (associated with acne), nasal hemorrhage, headaches, and stomach discomfort. Reduced hormone production by the body.

Anxious and irritable men Halotestin does not promote gynecomastia or edema-induced hypertension. However, the terms “gynecomastia” and “edemas” on Halotestin’s box insert are not surprising. This is a typical warning for all androgenic steroids.

Halotestin may induce significant and permanent virilization symptoms in women.

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Zhengzhou Fluoxymesterone 10mg 50 tabs
Zhengzhou Fluoxymesterone 10mg 50 tabs
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