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Zhengzhou Testosterone Enanthate 250mg 1ml amp



The History of Enanthate

Synthetic Testosterone was created in the 1930s and contained no ester linkages. It was then called “Test Suspension”. This form was extremely quick. This bigger ester “Enanthate” was added to Testosterone in the 1950s. It delayed hormone action and absorption time. Delatestryl, a brand name for Testosterone Enanthate, was introduced to the US market by Watson Pharms in 1954.

The Testosterone Enanthate brand name is Testoviron, and it has been produced by Schering for over 50 years. In the end, the Testoviron brand is the most commonly used Testosterone Enanthate product on the market today.

This steroid has been utilized for both medicinal and performance purposes. An enanthate is a testosterone molecule with a carboxylic acid ester attached (Enanthoic acid). The 17-beta hydroxyl group attaches the ester to the hormone. The Enanthate ester controls the hormone’s active duration and overall release time. The Testosterone is not active until the ester separates from the hormone. The gradual and consistent release of the active hormone into the body makes Test Enanthate a choice among fitness professionals and medical professionals for TRT.

Bodybuilding Advantages

First, administering Testosterone Enanthate increases protein synthesis. Let us explain what this is and does for those who are unaware. Protein is the main component of muscle tissue, and synthesis is the pace at which our cells create proteins. Injecting Testosterone Enanthate speeds up synthesis. The consequence is increased Anabolic activity. With Testosterone Enanthate, your body will recover from hard exercises much quicker. A bonus for dedicated exercisers.

Second, increasing nitrogen retention reduces muscle loss while on a calorie restricted diet. Keeping a positive nitrogen balance protects lean tissue better than using Testosterone Enanthate. Experienced steroid users know that we need oxygen to push through lengthy, intense gym workouts. Enanthate injections increase red blood cell count and muscle endurance. This contributes to longer healing periods.

As if they aren’t enough reasons to inject this steroid, there are a few more. Test Enanthate increases insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (a naturally produced protein hormone, peptide class, that is primarily produced by the liver). This Anabolic hormone impacts virtually every cell in the body. IGF-1 affects muscular tissue, cartilage, neurons, tendons, ligaments, and even our central nervous system.

The injections also suppress glucocorticoids. Naturally occurring steroidal hormones that cause fat growth and muscle loss. A bodybuilder or athlete never wants to go through this. By inhibiting this hormone and preventing weight gain, Testosterone Enanthate promotes a more anabolic environment inside the body. For best results, injecting Testosterone Enanthate or any other steroid should be done in conjunction with proper nutrition and exercise.

Side effects

Because testosterone is an endogenous hormone, the body is used to it. However, genetics have a significant influence in the body’s side-effects. If you use Testosterone Enanthate, you may have adverse effects based on your genetic makeup.

Many potential negative effects of Testosterone Enanthate usage may be avoided by living a healthy, active lifestyle. The term “healthy adult man” excludes people with low Testosterone levels. Patients with low Testosterone levels are less prone to have adverse effects than those using this steroid for performance improvement. Most users can handle high Testosterone levels. It depends on how you react to it. To help you understand the potential side effects of Testosterone Enanthate, we have broken them down.


Among the most common adverse effects of Testosterone Enanthate, prospective users are particularly concerned about Estrogenic side effects. They occur because Testosterone is a moderately aromatizable Anabolic Steroid, which means it gets turned into Estrogen in the body at a moderate rate. The degree of aromatization is proportional to the dose of Testosterone Enanthate utilized in the body.

When Testosterone is aromatized, Estrogen levels rise, causing Gynecomastia (man boobs), fat gain, and water retention. Severe water retention may cause high blood pressure. Those with hypertension should be aware of this adverse effect and monitor their body’s reaction to it. When cycling with Testosterone Enanthate, have inhibitors like Clomid or Nolvadex handy (we will get into these a bit later).


The androgenic effects of Testosterone Enanthate vary depending on heredity. Androgenic consequences include increased sebum production, greasy skin, hair loss (in individuals predisposed to male pattern baldness) and body or facial hair growth. Side effects are possible for women who inject Testosterone Enanthate. Women may notice a change in their menstrual cycle, as well as a deepening of their voice. This varies from female to female.

As an androgen, testosterone interacts with androgen receptors all throughout the body. Their combination causes androgenic side-effects. Due to the 5-alpha reductase enzyme’s capacity to convert Testosterone to a considerably stronger Androgen termed Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the Androgenic side effects of this steroid may occur. These side-effects occur when Testosterone travels through certain bodily tissues including the scalp, prostate, and skin. A 5-alpha reductase inhibitor like Finasteride may be useful in such situations.


When injecting Testosterone Enanthate, keep an eye out for cardiovascular strain and low cholesterol. Those in good health who take this steroid are less prone to these adverse effects. The duration of the cycle will also influence the risk of these consequences. To keep your heart healthy and your cholesterol levels low, avoid meals rich in saturated fats and simple carbohydrates, and engage in regular cardiovascular exercise.


The usage of Testosterone Enanthate will decrease natural Testosterone production, however this is not a problem for low Testosterone patients since they already produce insufficient Testosterone. Because exogenous Testosterone is administered, bodybuilders and performance athletes need not be worried about Testosterone suppression. It will supply the body with all the necessary nutrients throughout the cycle. After the steroid cycle, natural testosterone production will resume, but not immediately. As a result, we strongly suggest planning your Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) while planning your steroid cycle.


Testing Enanthate’s liver-harming effects have been rejected by scientists. Even if the high dose is taken orally, your liver is unlikely to be damaged. However, it is always safer and recommended to use the injectable form over the oral form.

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Zhengzhou Testosterone Enanthate 250mg 1ml amp
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