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Zhengzhou Testosterone Mix 250mg 10ml vial



Sustanon ZPHC is a popular anabolic androgenic steroid among professional sportsmen. Its primary component is testosterone esters. The various decay periods of the esters allow for a consistent blood concentration. It may help you gain strength, muscular mass, and overall body strength. The proper esters mix keeps the drug active for 2-3 weeks. It contains decanoate, propionate, isocaproate, and phenylpropionate. So that each component is constantly present in the work and has a long-lasting impact. Sustanon ZPHC may last up to a month depending on the user. Initially, Sustanon ZPHC was used in medicine to treat breast cancer and adolescent muscular development delays.

Testosterone Mix ZPHC is now highly sought after in bodybuilding, powerlifting, and other sports. You may increase weight and power by using Testosterone Mix ZPHC alone. Among the major effects of Testosterone Mix ZPHC are:

  • red blood cell development in the circulation
  • supplying oxygen to the muscles
  • antacabolic action
  • boosted libido

Increased dose may cause adverse effects such as fluid retention, gynecomastia, and a rise in subcutaneous fat percentage. These processes are linked to estrogens, which become active when Testosterone Mix ZPHC is aromatized. Antiestrogens are needed to prevent this. Androgen-related side effects include increased perspiration, acne, and hair growth. Negative responses are rare when all guidelines are followed.

Reviews Sustanon ZPHC Sustanon ZPHC has long been in demand in the sports pharmacology market, therefore it has enough reviews. They’re all largely favorable. Athletes who took Sustanon ZPHC said it helped them develop muscular bulk and strength while training. The training regimen becomes more and more rigorous. Increased red blood cell count improves endurance and reduces “acidification” process. A single cycle of Testosterone Mix ZPHC enables you to grow 7 to 12 kg of muscle mass. Experienced athletes should take antiestrogens and post-cycle treatment to prevent unfavorable responses.

Testosterone Mix ZPHC : Testosterone Mix ZPHC has beneficial qualities. Our online shop sells excellent androgen-anabolic steroids. All ZPHC products are certified to meet quality requirements. To verify the security code, go to the manufacturer’s website. This guards against fakes.

What is Sustanon 250?

The most common testosterone is Sustanon, a mix of four testosterones:

  • 30 mg testosterone propionate,
  • 60 mg testosterone phenylpropionate,
  • 60 mg testosterone isocaproate,
  • 100 mg testosterone decanoate

Testosterone Sustanon is quick acting AND long lasting.

This is because it contains 60-40 long and short esters.

Isocaproate and Decanoate are long esters. Short esters are propionate and phenylpropionate (fast-acting).

By combining long and short esters in one molecule, testosterone stays in your bloodstream longer, reducing the need to inject it constantly (which is required with short ester steroids).

For this reason, sustanon 250 is considered as the most potent type of testosterone, providing users somewhat better muscular growth than other forms of test.


A person taking sustanon 250 for TRT (testosterone replacement treatment) for low testosterone is unlikely to suffer adverse effects since they are simply raising their test to a normal range.

In this case, testosterone is used to enhance health.

Bodybuilders that take sustanon 250 to increase their test levels and therefore their muscular development suffer side effects.

Sustanon 250 has comparable side effects as dianabol due to its chemical composition. Due to its increased androgenicity, sustanon 250 has more androgen-based adverse effects.

In other words, test increases the risk of acne, hair loss, gyno, water retention, and prostate enlargement (due to higher levels of DHT).

Cycling testosterone sustanon causes water retention and increased blood pressure. This is related to an increase in LDL and a decrease in HDL.

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Zhengzhou Testosterone Mix 250mg 10ml vial
Zhengzhou Testosterone Mix 250mg 10ml vial
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