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Zhengzhou Turinabol 10mg 100 tabs


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Turinabol Advantages:

Knowing how much Turinabol to take and for how long gives you peace of mind!

As stated before, this steroid is designed for weeks when substantial results are required without gaining weight.

Looking for more reasons to investigate a safe Turinabol alternative? Other advantages include:

  1. Quickly achieved
  2. Muscle tens
  3. A stronger resistance
  4. Increasing blood flow during exercise
  5. Boosted testosterone
  6. SHBG Union
  7. Quicker recovery
  8. Boosting blood flow

While these are all great outcomes, the side effects of Turinabol may be the primary reason not to start a course. It may help minimize adverse effects.

Turanabol adverse effects are generally dose dependent and gender specific. Symptoms of virilization occur in women who take more than 20 mg per day for a lengthy period of time. Men’s decreased testosterone production is uncommon. Gynecomastia is uncommon with Turanabol since the water and electrolyte response is similar. Athletes seldom experience water retention or elevated blood pressure. Acne, stomach discomfort, and uncontrollable aggressive behavior are rare side effects of Turanabol. Both sexes report an enhanced libido. Because 17-alkylated chlordehydromethyltestosterone is used, the manufacturer advises that the liver function be monitored frequently because excessive doses may cause liver damage. So Turanabol is a steroid that may be used continuously for extended periods. Studies on male athletes given 10 mg Turanabol/day for six weeks showed no harmful effects.

Tips before using turinabol

Things to consider before using Turinabol. As previously said, you must choose your exercise routine.

You should realize that the dose for males and women is different. Also, the TBol dose for a novice is different from the dosage for an experienced TBol user. Because experienced Turinabol users have a greater tolerance, their dose would be higher than new users or intermittent users.

Turinabol dose for athletes


If you are new to bodybuilding and steroid usage, start with a four (4) week TBol cycle. During this four week cycle, your daily Turinabol dose should be about 20mg.


If you are a bodybuilder who has been training for a while, you may start a six (6) week Turinabol cycle with approximately 50mg everyday. Starting with a lesser dose is usually better than a larger one.

The most essential reason is that you want to know your tolerance to this steroid. Your tolerance cannot be compared to another’s. So always give a “safe” dose.


If you are a Mr. Universe or an experienced steroid user, you may wish to increase your daily Turinabol dose. Again, evaluate your usage (bulking or reducing) and your Turinabol cycle.

If you are an experienced steroid user, your daily dose may be 75-100mg for a cycle of four to five weeks.

Taking a larger daily dose over a longer cycle increases the chance of moderate to severe adverse effects depending on your body’s tolerance to the oral androgenic anabolic steroid.

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Zhengzhou Turinabol 10mg 100 tabs
Zhengzhou Turinabol 10mg 100 tabs
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