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Zhengzhou Stanozolol Suspension 50mg 10ml vial


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Stanozolol is a water-based injectable steroid produced from DHT. They are chemically similar except that they are water or oil based and not in a tablet or pill form. To survive oral administration, both oral and injectable versions are c17-alkylated. This renders both the injectable and oral forms liver toxic (on the second pass) (on the first pass). Winstrol (Stanozolol) is an intriguing Dihydrotestosterone variant. The A-ring (typically 4 rings on steroids) has been changed to form a pyrazol group. I’ve only seen one other steroid with this tweak. Winstrol is a popular cutting cycle drug, and it hasn’t been proven to cause any significant weight gain in studies (if any at all). It is often regarded as a cheaper alternative to Anavar. Like Anavar and other DHT derivatives, it is non-estrogenic and non-progestenic. Winstrol, like Proviron, a DHT derived oral steroid, may be used in any cycle (including bulking) to decrease Sex Hormone Binding Globulin. Winstrol has the potential to decrease SHBG considerably higher than other steroids. This may help more testosterone (or other steroid) stay unbound and therefore active. Taking Winstrol in a cutting cycle may give you a good quality appearance, but using it in a strong bulking cycle might cause painful joints. Stanozolol is an alkylated molecule, which means it may pass through the liver without being degraded. As a suspension of the same chemical, the injectable form may be taken orally instead being injected. However, being alkylated makes it one of the most liver damaging steroids (mg for mg). Winstrol may cause heart hypertrophy and is hard on both LDL and HDL cholesterol. Most guys take Winstrol for approximately 6 weeks at 50-100mg per day (and yes, the same dosing applies for the injectable or the oral). Women utilize 10-25mgs per day, with bodybuilders and figure competitions using more. Acne, hair loss, and (in women) clitoral enlargement are genuine problems. Although it is available in both oral and injectable forms, the injectable method provides higher nitrogen retention. Despite its strong anabolic rating, hardly many individuals experience weight gain with Winstrol. It also has a low Androgen Receptor binding capacity, which is unusual for a medication like Winstrol. a “cutting” steroid. Winstrol promotes protein synthesis while inhibiting weight gain.

Winstrol is a well-known anabolic androgenic steroid. It is popular in bodybuilding, powerlifting, and other power sports. Winstrol is the brand name for the active component Stanozolol (Winstrol), created by Winthrop Laboratories (Sterling Drug). Its strong anabolic ratings with low androgenic expression have made it quite popular. The medication offers a variety of “drying” benefits. Athletes take it during low-carb and lean mass cycles. We sell moldavian steroids directly from the manufacturer, so you can purchase Winstrol in the USA at the best price.


Stanozolol was created in 1962 by Winthrop Scientific Laboratory (USA). The medication was first designed for veterinary usage to speed up racehorses. The medication worked well on horses. The sports world soon recognized Stanozolol’s potential. The optimum doses were established and approved for human consumption throughout the trial cycle. Athletes still utilize it nowadays. Stanozolol is a methylated derivative of Dihydrotestosterone with reduced androgenic characteristics.

Stanozolol had saturated the market by the 1970s. Many firms began producing Winstrol under many names: Strombafort, Winstrol, Stanox, etc. The drug was then readily available in pharmacies. After a steroid coup in the 1990s, free Winstrol purchases were prohibited.

  1. Builds lean muscle without fat or water;
  2. It helps burn fat.
  3. It contains anti-catabolic and muscle preservation properties.
  4. Improves strength and power indicators.
  5. Finishes the muscles, embosses and perforates them, increasing their volume and firmness;
  6. Increases endurance.

Notably, the drug’s capacity to burn fat is more common among athletes with a low proportion of subcutaneous body fat.


The optimum dose for Stanozolol is debatable. The dose is chosen for each person. The athlete’s body weight, steroid experience, physical characteristics, and objectives all play a role in the cycle modeling. Beginner “chemists” should consider dosage selection. You should not take the medication at random since the outcome may be different than expected.

Men take 30 to 100mg each day on average. The cycle’s length is also determined by the objectives. A Winstrol cycle lasts 6-8 weeks on average. The medication starts working nearly instantly. It is possible to split the daily dosage of Stanozolol into two doses.

The tablet version of Stanozolol is better for women since it is easier to regulate the dose. Women need just 5-10mg per day, while males need up to 20mg.

Depending on your objectives, you may use Stanozolol alone or with additional AAS. Only experienced athletes should cycle model. Non-compliance with steroid regulations may result in negative effects.

Increased dosages should be owing to high demand. Gradually increasing doses should be monitored closely.

Side effects

Winstrol by Zhengzhou has little adverse effects. It does not aromatize, therefore no gynecomastia or other estrogenic effects.

“Stanozolol” may raise blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

Apparently, the steroid may significantly boost hunger. High-fat meals and other unhealthy foods should be avoided for optimum efficiency. In this instance, the diet should be high in protein and low in carbs.

If you want to purchase Winstrol in the USA, you need consider the cost. The steroid pricing regulation is tight, therefore there shouldn’t be much variation across medicines. If you notice a really cheap price, it is almost certainly a fake.

The drying ability of Winstrol extends not just to the muscles, but also to the joints and ligaments. Joints that lack fluid lubrication wear down quicker and pose a significant danger of serious harm.

Additional information


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Zhengzhou Stanozolol Suspension 50mg 10ml vial
Zhengzhou Stanozolol Suspension 50mg 10ml vial
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